2019年经济学人 一周要闻 上海开展自动驾驶载客测试 通用汽车工人罢工 WeWork推迟IPO(在线收听


WeWork postponed its ipo amid tepid interest from investors and a drop in its expected stockmarket value. The office-rental firm has never made a profit and was trying to go public amid market doubts about the prospects for other loss-making startups that have floated shares this year. Adam Neumann, WeWork’s hipsterish CEO, said he was “humbled” by the experience.

由于投资者的兴趣不温不火,加之其预期的股票市值下跌,WeWork推迟了IPO。这家办公室租赁公司从未盈利,并试图在市场对今年上市的其他一些亏损初创企业的前景产生怀疑之际上市。WeWork的首席执行官亚当·诺伊曼(Adam Neumann)表示,他对这一经历感到“惋惜”。

Another blockbuster ipo that was shelved earlier this year was back on track, but in a much slimmer form. Anheuser-Busch InBev started taking orders for an offering of shares in its Asian division minus its Australian business, which it sold after pulling the ipo two months ago. The brewer will float the shares on the Hong Kong stock exchange at the end of the month.

今年早些时候搁置的另一宗轰动一时的ipo重新进入正轨,但规模要小得多。百威英博(Anheuser-Busch InBev)开始接受除澳大利亚业务以外亚洲业务的股票发行订单。两个月前,百威英博取消了澳大利亚公司的ipo计划并将其出售。该啤酒商将于本月底在香港交易所上市。

Under pressure from an activist investor, at&t was reportedly considering whether to divest its Direc tv business, a satellite-media provider that the telecoms giant acquired in 2015 as part of its diversification strategy. Elliott, an activist hedge fund, revealed recently that it has bought a stake in at&t and criticised its management’s approach to acquisitions, which has saddled the company with around $160bn in net debt.

据报道,在一位激进投资者的压力下,at&t正在考虑是否剥离其卫星媒体提供商Direc tv业务。作为多元化战略的一部分,at&t于2015年收购了这家电信巨头。对冲基金维权人士埃利奥特(Elliott)最近披露,该公司已购入美国电话电报公司(at&t)的部分股权,并对其管理层的收购方式提出批评,这种方式导致该公司背负了约1600亿美元的净债务。

The United Automobile Workers union held its first strike at General Motors since 2007. Around 48,000 employees downed tools, disrupting more than 50 factories and car-parts warehouses. A collective-bargaining deal agreed to in 2015 has expired, but the company says the pay rises and other terms in a new contract are generous. The union argues that it made sacrifices when GM faced bankruptcy in 2009, and that its workers should be rewarded for creating “a healthy, profitable industry”.


Facebook announced its plans for an independent “oversight board” to regulate decisions it makes about censorship on the social network. The board will hear its first cases in 2020, and will eventually have 40 members.


Sandoz stopped distributing its Zantac heartburn medicine while regulators investigate the presence of an impurity called NDMA, which is classified as a probable human carcinogen. The Swiss drugmaker said that this was a precautionary measure.


The move towards autonomous cars stepped up a gear when Shanghai became the first city in China to allow test vehicles to carry passengers. The riders will be volunteers and a driver will sit in the car, but if there are no accidents on Shanghai’s complex and busy road system the three car firms that have been granted the permits will get the green light to increase their fleets.

