VOA慢速英语2019 下一次重大流行病或在短短36小时内波及全球(在线收听

Health Experts Warn Disease Could Kill Millions in 36 Hours

Health experts are warning the world to prepare for a major pandemic. But the experts say they just do not know when it will strike.


A special health monitoring group gave the warning to world leaders last week at the United Nations General Assembly.


The group said the next pandemic could move around the world in as little as 36 hours. It said the disease could kill up to 80 million people and cause serious economic losses.


The group is called the Global Preparedness Monitoring Board. It operates independently of the World Health Organization and the World Bank. The board was set up last year to prepare a yearly report on the possibility of a pandemic. The first report was frightening.


The group notes improvements in medicine over the years. But it adds that politics and social issues keep people in both rich and poor countries from much needed medical care. And it says this threatens the whole world.


The report praises modern medicine. Years ago, individuals found to have the disease AIDS were guaranteed a horrible death, but now treatment has changed that. Research on an AIDS vaccine is promising.


There is even talk of possibly ending malaria. Currently, the disease kills 500,000 people each year, most of them children.


The Global Preparedness Monitoring Board also said conflict between nations and forced migration both increase the likelihood of diseases spreading. It urged countries to establish emergency preparedness from the local level on up, to build trust and to work to improve the way medical experts react to serious health threats.


That would help ensure the health of the world’s 7.7 billion people.

