英语PK台 第996期:利奇马登陆中国沿海,台风科普应急须知(在线收听


Dialogue 1

Jingjing: Mark, have you been hearing about the typhoons this summer?


Mark: Yeah, I heard there have been 9 typhoons this year.


Jingjing: It's a major year for storms. And the biggest one just hit China. It's called the Lekima.


Mark: Where did it make landfall?


Jingjing: Mostly Zhejiang and Jiangsu. But it affected areas as far inland as Anhui. There were storms in Fujian to the south and Shandong to the north.


Mark: Wow that's a huge area. Were people safe?


Jingjing: Last I heard, the death toll was 44. Also, a large number of people are missing. More than a million people had to be evacuated.


Mark: That's a major storm system, to be sure. It must be terrible for families living near the coast.


Jingjing: More than 1,000 flights and train services have been cancelled.


Mark: Wow, that's a lot of people stranded in airports and train stations.


Jingjing: The government issued a red alert and put more than 180 rescue teams on standby as well as 36,000 firefighters and 8,400 fire engines.


Mark: It's good to have so many emergency workers ready to help. I saw pictures where a lot of streets were under water, and workers were using inflatable boats to rescue people.


Jingjing: Right. The one inspiring thing at a time like this is so many people working together to help save lives.


Mark: Yes. There are a lot of inspiring stories from events like these. I'm sure the hard work done by rescue workers has kept thousands of people safe.


Jingjing: More than a million if you count the people who were helped to evacuate.


Mark: Right. Is there still a red alert?


Jingjing: It got downgraded soon after the typhoon hit the coast. Now it's mostly heavy rain, high winds, and all the work to find people and get things running again.


Mark: Well, let's hope this is the last typhoon this year. Autumn is coming.


New words : 习语短语

make landfall 登陆

when a storm reaches the coast of a continent

inland 内地;内陆

land far away from the coast

death toll (事故、战争、灾难等的)死亡人数

the number of people who have died in a disaster

evacuate 疏散,转移,撤离

when people move quickly away from a disaster area, leaving their homes and most of their belongings



stuck in a place where someone didn't plan to stay

red alert 红色警报 紧急戒备状态

a warning made by the government about a very severe disaster

Dialogue 2

Jingjing: So, Mark, do you know the difference between a typhoon and a hurricane?


Mark: It's called something different depending on where it happens. Typhoons are in the northwestern Pacific Ocean, and Hurricanes are in the eastern Atlantic.


Jingjing: Right. Both of them are cyclones. Do you know how they are formed?


Mark: I know a little about them. You could probably tell me more.


Jingjing: I remember reading that several conditions are necessary, and even then, a typhoon might not be formed.


Mark: What are those conditions?


Jingjing: High water temperature, high humidity, and a low pressure center, to name a few.


Mark: Wow, it must be hard to predict where and when a typhoon will form.


Jingjing: Yes. They are created far out at sea. And even then it's hard to know where one will go or how strong it will be when it makes landfall.


Mark: Wow. People don't know until the last minute how much they should prepare for the storm. What are some good ways to be prepared?


Jingjing: I think it's good for people to keep a bag of emergency supplies ready at home.


Mark: What should go in that bag?


Jingjing: It should include a first aid kit, and some high energy food like nuts, as well as a few bottles of drinking water.


Mark: That and a few sets of lightweight clothes and every family is ready to go camping.


Jingjing: Well, if someone has to evacuate, it's good just to grab one bag and go quickly.


New words : 习语短语

cyclone 气旋;飓风

a circular storm with inward spiraling winds that rotate around a center of low pressure

humidity 湿度 湿热

the amount of water vapor in the air

first aid kit 急救包[箱]

a small bag or box with medical supplies including bandages and medicine
