英语PK台 第1000期:《美丽高峰幸福生活》之看电影遇险 vs 找房选房(在线收听


Dialogue 1

Jingjing: Mark, let me tell you what recently happened to my friends Gao Feng and Mei Li. It's crazy.


Mark: This sounds like it will be a good story.


Jingjing: They were in a cinema in Zhejiang , watching Ne Zha, and the theater started to flood.


Mark: Wait a second: don't they live in Beijing? And didn't they know there was a typhoon in the south?

马克:等等:他们不是住在北京吗? 他们不知道南方有台风吗?

Jingjing: Right. I guess they didn't pay attention to the red alert. Anyway, they'd been too busy to see Ne Zha in Beijing. Mei Li had a business trip and Gao Feng went to join her on the weekend. The weather was bad. So, they decided to take in a movie.


Mark: Yeah, we've been reading all the news about how bad the weather was. Were they ok?


Jingjing: They were. The cinema was in the basement of a shopping mall. When it started to flood, they told everyone to leave the building.


Mark: Did any water actually get in the theater?


Jingjing: People started to leave through the exit near the screen. But then ushers opened up the door at the rear of the theater, where people usually come in. Mei Li said she saw water flowing into the front of the theater just as they were going out the back.


Mark: Wow, that sounds like a close call.


Jingjing: The funny thing was, this happened during the scene in the movie when Ao Bing was visiting the dragon king under water. If the ushers hadn't come in to shout at everyone to leave the theater, they might have thought it the flood was part of the 4D experience.


Mark: Ha ha. Well, it's good to hear about Mei Li and Gao Feng's narrow escape. Is anything else happening with those two? They've been married for a while now, haven't they?


Jingjing: Well, in other news, they've been house hunting here in Beijing.


Mark: That's far less dangerous than seeing a movie during a typhoon. Tell me about it when I come back from the coffee shop. Would you like anything?


Jingjing: I'm fine with warm water here.


Mark: Ok. See you in a few.


New words : 习语短语

take in 观看;欣赏;参观

watch, go to see (usually a performance, perhaps also a museum or other exhibit, or “take in the tourist sites in Shanghai”)

ushers 领位员 引座员

people who work at a theater and guide people to their seats

a close call 侥幸脱险 逃过一劫 差一点就赶上

something bad that almost happened (or a win in a competition where the second-place winner almost got first place)

4D experience 4D体验

a 3D movie with other effects like vibrating chairs

narrow escape

九死一生,幸免于难 死里逃生

getting out of danger, almost too late

Dialogue 2

Jingjing: You're back, Mark. Ready to hear about house hunting?


Mark: Let me down some of this coffee first. I'll be more alert.


Jingjing: Well, let me put it in a nutshell while you sip at that coffee. They have two properties in mind. One is outside the Fifth Ring, and pretty big. The other is tiny, but it's centrally located.


Mark: Hmm. My first thought is to go for the place near the city center.


Jingjing: Why would that be better? It'd be cramped, especially if a baby comes and relatives stay there to help.


Mark: That's a good point. Well, look at the schools and hospitals around that house in the suburbs. If those are good, it might be a better choice.


Jingjing: I think they said something about an extension campus. But that's only for middle school. I doubt if the primary schools and kindergartens are as good out in the suburbs as they are inside the city.


Mark: Yeah, I think, unless they can afford a really ritzy part of the suburbs, it's better to get something inside the Fourth Ring. Is the smaller house near where they work?


Jingjing: It's near where Mei Li works. Gao Feng would still have to go a long way.


Mark:That's life, I guess. Anyway, if their total commute time is shorter, the small place is better.


Jingjing: Right. That way, if they get a car, one car is enough for the family.


Mark: Yeah, but parking is a major pain around communities near downtown.


Jingjing: I don't know if it has an underground garage or not.


Mark: That's a lot of stuff to keep in mind. Hopefully they make the best choice.


Jingjing: Me too. I'll let them know what we talked about. I think they're leaning toward the place inside the city.


Mark: Hopefully they'll be happy there.


New words : 习语短语

down 大口喝下;快速吃下

eat or drink quickly

cramped 狭窄的,狭小的

small, not enough space

an extension campus 分校区

a school or university with buildings far away from the main location

ritzy 昂贵时髦的;豪华的

expensive, fancy, luxurious, full of wealthy people

pain 讨厌的人(或事);令人头痛的人(或事)

troublesome, bothersome, unpleasant, too difficult to deal with

(someone is) leaning toward 偏爱 倾向于

someone prefers A over B currently
