2019年经济学人 正在消失的冰岛冰川(1)(在线收听


Okjokull, in western Iceland, was officially declared dead in 2014, aged around 800


It was not the smallest glacier around, nor the most remote. You could see it from outlying parts of Reykjavik, Iceland's capital, and from a long section of the country's ring road. Nor was it striking. It had none of the beauty of its neighbour Snafellsjokull, draping the perfect volcanic cone where Jules Verne found the tunnelthat led to the centre of the Earth, nor the unearthly blueness of Svinafellsjokull, which played a background in "Game of Thrones".


Among 300 or so other glaciers sprawling across Iceland, covering 11% of the land surface, it was easily ignored. It sat low above the valley it had helped hollow out, a white cloak across the flattened peak of a shield volcano called Ok. From this it drew its full name, Okjokull, "the yoke glacier". It remained "Ok" for short. The writers of the Icelandic sagas noticed Ok only once, when a man crossing Iceland on horseback passed it by.


The mountain was compared back then, when the sky was "the dwarf's helmet" and the earth "Odin's bride", to a dead female troll lying on her back. The snow, only starting then to compact into Okjokull, was the whiteness of her breast. How she came to be lying there was amystery; the story had disappeared. An odd image and an odder name, which made Icelanders laugh—if they had heard of Ok at all.

