
DC Chefs Stand Against Domestic Violence

The best restaurant chefs in the capital are sharing space for a cause.They’re cooking to draw attention to the problem of domestic violence in the country.They have teamed up with the national network to end domestic violence to hold a fundraiser during National Domestic Violence Awareness Month.“We started working with women chefs who said that they see domestic violence impacting their own kitchens, that women who live through abuse might be working in the back, they might be waitressing,and they know personally how important it is, and so women chefs helped us out for the very first year in 2011,and what was super fun is male chef said: ‘wait a second, we care about ending domestic violence, let us be part of it.’”

华盛顿首都最好的餐厅厨师长为一项事业而共享空间。他们烹饪是为了引起人们对该国家庭暴力问题的关注。 他们与全国制止家庭暴力网络合作,在全国家庭暴力宣传月期间举行了一次募捐活动。“我们一开始和女厨师合作,她们说她们看到家庭暴力影响了自己的厨房,在生活中遭受虐待的女性可能在后面工作,她们可能是服务员,她们个人也知道这有多重要,所以女厨师在2011年这第一年就帮助了我们,最有趣的是男厨师说:“等等,我们关心结束家庭暴力,让我们参与其中吧。”

According to organization, every year more than ten million Americans are victims of domestic violence. 76 percent of them are women.For 125 dollars, donors can enjoy a dinner cooked by some of the best chefs in the capital, all the money raised at the event will be used to help domestic violence victims, among other things to help find safe houses and shelter. Matt Baker, chef at Michelin rated restaurant Gravitas, serve tuna tartare, one of the most popular guest choices.“I think it’s a great event, I think it’s a great cause and anything we can do to support survivors of domestic abuse, definitely won’t get behind that.”For many chefs here, domestic violence is not an abstract idea, but something they have seen up close and want to end.“We have a lot of young people that work for us, and we’re always watching out and talking to our employees and, and whenever there is a chance.”“Earlier in my career, I definitely experienced it, and I think now it’s all about the culture you create in your kitchen, and we are unfortunate to be in a restaurant that’s run by women and I think that kind of sets the tone.”Jessica Cleveland knows about domestic violence, it happened in her family, but she says her job helped her overcome the difficult times.“All my inspiration comes from home, my mom and my grandma are the best homemakers, they’ve inspired me to pursue this career, I made these apple pies you got here today and they, it’s my grandmother’s pie dough, her apple filling, I can’t, you know, she’s inspired me to be here.”Cleveland believes family dinners are definitely part of a healthy home life, she says where there is laughter and good food, there is no place for violence.

根据该组织的统计,每年有超过一千万的美国人成为家庭暴力的受害者。其中百分之七十六是女性。捐赠者只需花125美元,就可以享用一顿由首都一些顶级厨师烹制的晚餐,活动筹集的所有资金将用于帮助家庭暴力受害者,以及帮助他们找到安全的住所和庇护所等。Matt Baker是米其林等级餐厅Gravitas的厨师,他提供塔塔吞拿鱼,是最受客人欢迎的选择之一。“我认为这是一件伟大的事情,我认为这是一项伟大的事业,我们能做任何事情来支持家庭虐待幸存者,绝对不能落后。”对这里的许多厨师来说,家庭暴力并不是一个抽象的概念,而是他们近距离看到并希望结束的事情。“我们有很多为我们工作的年轻人,我们总是很注意并与员工交谈,而且只要有机会就这样做。”“在我职业生涯的早期,我肯定经历过这一点,我认为现在一切都是关于你在厨房里创造的文化,我们很不幸在一家由女性经营的餐厅里,我认为这就是一种定调。”Jessica Cleveland了解家庭暴力,这就发生在她的家庭,但她说她的工作帮助她克服了困难时期。“我所有的灵感都来自于家庭,我妈妈和奶奶是最好的家庭主妇,她们激励我去追求这个职业,我做了你们吃的这些苹果派,她们,这是我奶奶做派的面团,她的苹果馅,我不能,你知道,她激励我来到这里。”Cleveland相信家庭聚餐绝对是健康家庭生活的一部分,她说,哪里有欢笑和美食,哪里就没有暴力。
