2019年经济学人 法国前总统雅克·希拉克(3)(在线收听


One puzzle was Japan. A keen Japan ophile, even to the point of wondering whether he might become asumo wrestler (it had taught him all he needed to know about life, he said), Mr Chirac made dozens of private trips there. Nobody knew why. A son? A mistress? Perhaps both? Or several? Pre-#Me-Too, the indiscretions were scandalous.


His chauffeur wrote a scabrously detailed book about the president's energetic private life, for which he was dubbed: "trois minutes, douche comprise" (three minutes, shower included). He was shamelessly unbothered about it. A favourite toast was "Allons boire à nos femmes, à nos chevaux et à ceux qui les mon-tent" ("Let us drink to our women, our horses and those whom ount them"). For most of his misdeeds, loyal lieutenants took the rap. Prosecutors landed only one belated blow: in 2011 he was convicted of misconduct in office, with a suspended two-year sentence (he declined to give evidence, pleading ill health).

他的司机写了一本粗糙而详细的关于这位总统的充满活力的私生活的书。他的绰号是:“三分钟,灌洗完毕”(三分钟,包括淋浴)。 他无耻地对此毫不在意。最喜欢的祝酒辞是“让我们为我们的女人、我们的马和骑马的人干杯”(“让我们为我们的女人、我们的马和骑马的人干杯”)。对于他的大多数罪行,忠诚的中尉都承担了责任。检察官只是给予了迟来的一击:2011年,他被判犯有渎职罪,被判两年监禁,缓期执行(他以身体不佳为由,拒绝提供证据)。

Yet no sooner had he left power than the French began to miss him. He had aroused American fury by threatening to use the French veto in the unSecurity Council to block a resolution autho-rising the use of force in Iraq. That split the EU and damaged the West. But it looked brave and prescient later. So did his appeal against climate change—"our house is burning and we are looking elsewhere"—in 2002.

