《美少女的谎言》第六季第4集 第11期:逍遥法外(在线收听

So if you're going to Hollis tomorrow, I'm-I'm taking you.

如果你明天要去霍里斯大学 我送你去

I just said I was sorry, dad.

我道过歉了 爸爸

This is not punishment, Aria, okay?

这不是什么惩罚 艾瑞亚

It's just the way it has to be.


I need to know where you are at all times.


Hanna, I'm trying to protect you.

汉娜 我在试着保护你

No, I want the tracker off!

不 你得把追踪器拆了

The person who did this to you is still out there.


He kidnapped you once, and he could try to do it again.

他绑架了你一次 还可能有第二次

Alright, look. I-I probably should've discussed it with you.

好吧 也许我事先应该先跟你商量的

I-I know it sounds extreme but ...

我知道这听起来很偏激 但是...

you have to understand.


I spent over three weeks not knowing where you were.

整整三周的时间 我完全不知道你在哪儿

Scared to death that something terrible was happening

整天提心吊胆 就怕你出了什么事

and there was nothing that I could do to help you.

而我却什么都做不了 只能傻等着

Where is Sara now?


She's downstairs watching television.


I think we acted too hastily in letting her stay with us.


You know, she doesn't wanna go to therapy


and we just don't have the tools to help her.


We can't send her back to her mom's.


Honey, if something happens to her while she's here,

宝贝 如果她待在这期间发生了什么不测

I'll be held responsible.


I know, but nothing is gonna happen to her, okay?

我知道 不过她不会出事的 好吗

I know what she's been through. I can help her.

我知道她经历了什么 我可以帮她
