2019年经济学人 如何打破大型科技公司的垄断(6)(在线收听


Given all these hurdles, will break-ups ever happen? Sector-wide divestitures seem unlikely, but even Makan Delrahim, head of the Department of Justice’s antitrust division, said on October 22nd that they are “perfectly on the table”. Amazon looks vulnerable. It is disrupting many industries and creating many enemies. A line-of-business prohibition seems a relatively easy sell politically. The most likely victim is Facebook. Privacy scandals and its role in distributing misinformation have made the firm a target for both Democrats and Republicans.


The case against Facebook is relatively easy to make. Scott Hemphill and Tim Wu, two legal scholars based in New York, have already started advancing it. Backed up by Chris Hughes, a co-founder of Facebook now turned critic of the firm, they have been giving presentations to regulators explaining that “available evidence indicates that as of 2010, Facebook launched a programme of serial defensive acquisitions in order to maintain its dominance.”


Legal arguments notwithstanding, it will be hard to unscramble the eggs. WhatsApp is still a separate entity but Instagram is not. It uses the same advertising platform as Facebook’s social network. And the firm is busy tying its biggest services together even more tightly by merging their address books. Facebook subscribers will at some point be able to send messages on WhatsApp. The goal, the firm says, is to make life easier for users. Critics argue that the aim is to make divestiture more difficult. To avoid “irreparable harm”, Messrs Hemphill and Wu call on regulators to ask for a preliminary injunction that would put an end to the integration work.


Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook’s boss, knows that he has a target on his back. If Ms Warren were elected president, he recently told staff, “then I would bet that we will have a legal challenge.” He would also bet that he would win, he added. Mr Zuckerberg may want to read up on the history of Standard Oil. Rockefeller thought so too— until it was too late.

Facebook的老板马克·扎克伯格知道自己背后有目标。他最近告诉员工,如果沃伦当选总统,“那么我敢打赌,我们将面临法律挑战。” 他还说,他还会赌自己会赢。扎克伯格可能想了解一下标准石油公司的历史。洛克菲勒也这么认为,但为时已晚。
