《凯莉日记》第17期: 只有说真话 才能变成真人(在线收听

My purse and I were making the ultimate entrance.


Darling, you've arrived! - I'll say.

亲爱的 你到了 -当然

Oh! Today has been absolute chaos. Maybe these earrings.

今天完全一片混乱 这对耳环吧

You say that like it's a good thing.


Honey, I don't just thrive in chaos. I love it. The moment where all is lost is the moment I wanna live in, because that is where creativity lives. It inspires.

亲爱的 我不只是在混乱中强大 我爱混乱 一切混乱的那瞬间就是我想要的时刻 这就是创造力的源泉 它激励我们

I wondered if that was true or just the lie we tell ourselves.

我不知道这是真理 还是我们自欺欺人的谎言

Perfect. Now give me that bag. It deserves its moment.

棒极了 把包给我吧 它的时刻到了

I couldn't believe it. One night, I wrote my name on my mother's bag in attempt to salvage it, and now here I was, holding a zebra and watching my purse be photographed for "Interview" magazine.

我无法相信 那天晚上 我在我妈妈的包上写下我的名字 试图挽救它 而现在我牵着一头斑马看着他们给我的包拍照片来登上《专访》杂志

Thank you. This is a dream come true. And to think, you almost missed all this because of some boring work thing.

谢谢你 我梦想成真了 想想看 你差点因为无聊的工作 错过了这一切

Oh, no. Work. I have to go. I have to get back. Here, uh, take this zebra.

不 工作 我得走了 得回去了给 拉着斑马

Wait. You're such a mystery, always dashing off. So exciting. How will I get your purse back?

等等 你太神秘了 总是匆匆离去 太刺激了 我怎么把包还你

Uh, I'll call you. Okay. Bye. Oh, Carrie, wait!

我会打给你的 好的 再见 凯莉 等等

I want you to have this. It's Dior. It's one-of-a-kind. I can't take that.

收下这个吧 迪奥的 限量版 我不能收

Oh, of course you can. You deserve it. You're one-of-a-kind. You don't believe it, but one day you will.

当然能 这是你应得的 你也是独一无二的 你现在不相信 但是总有一天你会明白的

How will I ever believe that?


You know the Fairy Tale Pinocchio?


Yeah. Well, that little puppet was a pretend boy who became real because he believed it.

听过 -那个小木偶 就是因为心中的信念才变成了真的男孩

Actually, Pinocchio could only become real if he told the truth, and he couldn't.

事实上 匹诺曹只有说真话 才能变成真人 但是他没有
