2016年经济学人 牢房中的女性 女性囚犯比男性囚犯表现更差(上)(在线收听


Britain-Women in prison

英国 牢房中的女性

Breaking worse


Female prisoners are more badly behaved than male ones


Bad behaviour behind bars


AS A rule, women behave better than men, or are less frequently caught out: they make up just 5% of Britain's prison population. Even these troublemakers are gentler than the opposite sex. In 2014 eight in ten women prisoners were jailed for non-violent offences, compared with seven in ten male prisoners.


Behind bars, however, a different trend emerges. It is women who more frequently run up against prison rules. In 2014 there were 137 punishments doled out per 100 women but only 105 for every 100 men. They are also more violent, committing 52 assaults on staff per 1,000 female prisoners in 2015 whereas the male rate was 45. Why do women behave so badly in prison?


Diego Gambetta, a sociologist, says women make rougher inmates because they take longer to establish a hierarchy. Fighting, he says, “is an information-seeking device”, and although the toughest men sport large muscles and scars, the toughest women are harder to spot without a scrap. Another theory is that female prisoners are trickier to manage because they are more likely to suffer from mental illness: in 2015 26% of them (and 16% of male inmates) had had a psychiatric admission before going to prison. A third argument is that female jails are less crowded, so unruly prisoners are easier to spot.

社会学家Diego Gambetta说,因为女性囚犯需要更多时间来建立等级关系。Diego Gambetta还说,打架是“一种寻求信息的方式”,你很容易判断出最凶狠的男性,他们通常有着结实的肌肉和伤疤,但最凶狠的女性却没有这些特征,只能通过打架来判断。另一个说法是女性囚犯比男性囚犯更难管理,因为她们更容易患上心理疾病:2015年,26%的女囚犯(和16%的男囚犯)在入狱前就有精神病证明。第三种说法是女性监狱相对没有那么拥挤,所以一旦犯事,更容易被(狱警)发现。
