美国有线新闻 CNN 报告显示昆虫数量急剧下降(在线收听


What distinction is held by fairyflies? Are they indigenous to Antarctica, the smallest insects, a type of butterfly or extinct? Fairy flies are a type of wasp and they're the smallest insects on Earth.

Even if you don't want to eat insects like we discussed last Friday, scientists say three-quarters of our crops depend on insect pollination. And a new report from the United Kingdom Wildlife Trust says there have been massive decreases of certain insect populations in the U.K. Between 1968 and 2007 the report says the number of large moths in Britain fell by 28 percent and that many butterflies also disappeared. It suggests that declines like these are happening with different insects around the world. Though, there's so much that's unknown about certain regions that it's hard for researchers to say for sure.

Still, the report says the main reason for insect decline is habitat loss. And it suggests that we can all help solve that by planting flowering trees around our communities, growing plants like lavender which attract bees, avoiding pesticides though that could lead to the loss of some crops and mowing your lawn less often could attract more insects to it. Though that could bug your neighbors if it gets out of hand.
