早安英文 第618期:find a job不是找工作(在线收听



Job hunting

hunting for the Job

On the hunt for a job

She is Job hunting. / She is hunting for a job. / She is on the hunt for a job. 她在找工作。

C.V(英式)= Resume (美式)简历

I need to write a CV.

I need to update my CV!

interview 面试

face-to-face interview 面对面面试

video interview 视频面试

phone interview 电话面试

Previous employments


What previous employment have you had? 你以前有哪些工作经历?

Unemployed./ In between jobs 暂无工作

I'm between jobs. 我现在没有工作

find a job不是找工作


I work well in a team.

I am good at problem solving.

I pick things up very quickly.(pick up表示学习)

Why you left your last job?


I wanted a new experience. 我想要新的工作经历。

I wasn't challenged at my old job. 以前的工作对我没有挑战性

Job titles:

interns (apprentice) 实习生(学徒)

full-time employee 全职工作人员

office manager 办公室经理

team leader 组长

sales 销售部门

human resources 人力资源部门

marketing 市场部

IT department IT部

coders 程序猿

9 to 5er 朝九晚五的普通上班族(average worker)
