每日一句口语 199(在线收听


A gold medalist from Malaysia will walk away with about £400,000, for example. But if they emerge triumphantfrom badminton, the country's strongest sport, they will receive an additional lump of gold - literally - worth some £380,000, The Sunday Times reports.



1. medalist:奖章获得者;奖章设计者

2. walk away:使走开

Example: As the scene fades out, the hero and the heroine walk away from each other.


3. triumphant:胜利的;得意扬扬的

Example: A triumphant smile appeared on his face.他脸上露出了胜利的微笑。

4. lump:块;团

Example: The oatmeal lumps if you don't stir it well.如果你不好好搅拌,麦片粥会结块。
