福克斯新闻 President Talks Obamacare Fix(在线收听

If you liked your cancelled insurance policy — you might get it back — that’s the latest pledge from President Obama to Americans who got kicked off their plans due to Obamacare.

FOX News Radio’s Mike Majchrowitz reports from the White House:

The President acknowledged the anger of Americans kicked off their health plans by Obamacare.

(President Obama) “I completely get how upsetting this can be for a lot of Americans particularly after assurances they got from me that if they had a plan that they liked they could keep it.”

He proposed allowing states and insurance companies to renew policies not in strict compliance with Obamacare mandates for 2014. Ohio House Republican Bill Johnson says it’s a hollow gesture.

(Johnson) “This is a political move on his part and he’s trying to create for himself an exit door.”

More troubling for the administration: Some Democrats say its not enough and are moving forward with legislative fixes for Obamacare.

At the White House, Mike Majchrowitz, FOX News Radio.
