商业周刊:美国最忙碌的银行劫匪落网(1)(在线收听) |
America's busiest bank robber was hooked 美国最忙碌的银行劫匪落网 By Josh Dean 乔希·迪恩报道 When Anthony Hathaway spotted the black SUV with the tinted windows, he was pretty certain the end was near. 当安东尼·海瑟薇注意到那辆带着防晒膜的黑色SUV时,他很确定一切就要结束了。 The guys blowing leaves across from the KeyBank he'd been casing all afternoon seemed a little fishy, too 他整个下午都在观察那些在KeyBank银行对面街上扫树叶的家伙,他们看起来也有点可疑, —because it was February in Seattle and spitting rain. 因为这是2月的西雅图,而且还下着瓢泼大雨。 But that could have been the heroin talking, so Hathaway wasn't certain he was under surveillance 但那有可能是在交易海洛因,海瑟薇不确定自己是否受到监视, until he saw the same black SUV pull into a parking lot, turn around, and pass by him again. 直到他看到同款黑色SUV驶入停车场,转了个圈,再次从他身边经过。 "I just had a feeling," he said later. "But for some reason I didn't care." “我只是有一种感觉,”他后来说。“但出于某种原因,我并不在乎。” Hathaway drove to a nearby Burgermaster, parked the minivan he'd borrowed from his sister, and injected the last of his heroin. 海瑟薇开车去了附近一家汉堡大师快餐店,把他从妹妹那里借来的小面包车停下来,给自己注射了最后一点海洛因。 He stayed there for an hour, slumped over the wheel asleep, then woke up and remembered the day's agenda. 他在那里呆了一个小时,瘫倒在方向盘上睡着了,然后醒过来,想起了当天的日程安排。 To make sure he wasn't being tailed, he drove 5 miles north, 为了确保没人盯梢,他向北开了5英里, and when he saw no more blacked-out SUVs or helicopters or suspicious groundskeeping crews, he headed back to the KeyBank, found a parking spot, 当他看到没有其它黑色SUV、直升机或可疑的地勤人员时,他驾车驶回了KeyBank银行,找到一个停车位, and walked casually toward the entrance, like a guy who needed to speak with a loan officer. 然后像一位要和信贷员交谈的人一样,漫不经心地朝门口走去。 He wore khaki pants and a brown jacket with tan stripes and carried an open umbrella, though the rain had mostly stopped. 他穿着条卡其布裤子和一件带着棕褐色条纹的棕色夹克。尽管雨基本上已经停了,但他的伞还是撑开的。 He was unarmed,like always. 他像往常一样,手无寸铁。 athaway slipped on latex gloves, pulled a mask over his face, and entered the bank at 5:25 p.m. with his umbrella still open. 海瑟薇戴上乳胶手套,蒙上面罩,于下午5:25分进入银行,他手里的伞还没合上。 He yelled for everyone to get down, approached the only teller on duty, and asked for "large bills, fifties and hundreds." 他大声喊着,让大家蹲下,然后走到唯一一名值班的出纳员前面,要求其交出“五十元和百元的大面值钞票。” Bank clerks are taught to comply with robbers, and this one did as Hathaway requested, handing over $2,310 in mostly loose bills. 银行职员培训时被告知要服从劫匪的命令,这个职员就按照海瑟薇的要求,交出了2310美元,大部分都是零散的钞票。 Hathaway stuffed the cash into his pockets and walked calmly out of the bank, less than a minute after he'd entered. 海瑟薇把现金塞进口袋,在他进入银不到一分钟的时间里,就平静地走了出去。 |
原文地址:http://www.tingroom.com/lesson/syzk/496931.html |