英语新闻听写 iPhone7摄像头不再凸起(在线收听

Apple's iPhone 6s was a major upgrade in the smartphone space.

在智能手机领域,iPhone 6s进行了大规模“升级改造”。

The gadget sold 13 millions units in it's first 3 days of release, a new record.


However, there was always one major issue fans had with the device; that eye sore of a camera bump on the back.


According to reports, Apple plans to fix that problem in their next phone release, the iPhone 7.

有报道称,苹果计划在iPhone 7上解决这一问题。

MacRumors claims the 7 will have a new, thinner camera that sits flush with the phone's back, no longer creating that little bump.

据MacRumors报道,全新iPhone 7将对摄像头“瘦身”,并解决凸起问题。

The phone is also rumored to lose it's antenna bands on it's back, and only have them along the edges.

