英语新闻听写 火爆美食圈中的新宠 你吃过吗?(在线收听

Korean Eatery Creates Rainbow Grilled Cheese Sandwich

大热的彩虹牵丝吐司 美食圈中的新宠!

So long, rainbow bagel, make room for rainbow grilled cheese!


Otherwise known as a rainbow toastie, this new concoction can be found at Kala Toast in Hong Kong and the cheesy treat has quickly become an Instagram sensation.

这款名为“彩虹吐司”新式甜点是由香港Kala Toast最新推出的,一经推出就在Instagram上火得不要不要的!

In a recent post, Hong Kong-based food blogger @hkfoodiexblogger explained that the rainbow toastie contains four types of cheese and each color consists of a different flavor.


She adds in her post, " I would say the quality was rather average but we all cannot deny that it is photogenic."

