英语新闻听写 男星电梯内惨遭小姨子暴打(在线收听

It has been whole two years since the Solange elevator incident?

碧昂丝(Beyonce)老公Jay Z在电梯内惨遭小姨子索兰格·诺尔斯(Solange Knowles)殴打的事件已经过去两年了。

After attending a Met Ball after-party on May 5, 2014, Solange, Beyonce and Jay Z entered an elevator and a brawl ensued between Beyonce's sister and husband.

2014年5月5日,出席完纽约大都会时尚盛典晚会之后,碧昂丝和老公及妹妹索兰格进入电梯,突然妹妹索兰格和老公Jay Z大声争吵起来。

Suppose that the incident was sparked by Rachel Roy 's "flirtatious" behavior with Jay Z.

公众猜测这是因为时装设计师Rachel Roy与Jay Z的调情行为引起的。

And now 2 years later with the release of Lemonade , Beyonce seems to be giving everyone a hint about what was really happening in her marriage at that time.

