英语新闻听写 活跃分子抗议世界各地使用化石燃料(在线收听

As part of a global protest against fossil fuels, hundreds of climate change activists organized in Washington state and New York.


Break Free 2016 is a 12-day event, spanning six continents.


The event is aimed at calling attention to climate change and pushing for a transition to clean energy.


In Washington, hundreds of activists are demonstrating by occupying train lines that transport crude oil from refineries such as Tesoro or Royal Dutch Shell.

在华盛顿,数百名积极分子示威占领铁路线,其从诸如Tesoro或Royal Dutch Shell的炼油厂运输原油。

A similar situation occurred in New York, with protestors blocking crude oil transport to the Port of Albany.


In the U.S., other events are also planned for California and Colorado.

