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Caitlyn Jenner Healed ''Remarkably Fast'': Her Plastic Surgeons Explain 10-Hour Facial Feminization

六旬奥运冠军变性 请叫我“凯瑟琳”

Even Caitlyn Jenner's doctors can't get over her transformation.


Dr. Harrison Lee, the plastic surgeon who presided over Jenner's facilial feminization procedure, told E! News in an exclusive sit-down Tuesday,

周二,负责凯瑟琳·詹纳变性手术的医生哈里森·李将这一独家新闻告知E! News。

"I don't want to show off, but I think she's ecstatic with the results."


Lee worked in conjunction with Dr. Gary Alter, who performed the work on Caitlyn's body, including her breast augmentation.


Both are licensed in California and New York.


Overall, the surgeries took about 10 hours and the full healing process can take up to a year, the doctors said


making it all the more amazing just how quickly the star of E!'s upcoming docu-series I Am Cait got ready to greet the world as her true self.

那么,将在“E!”上进行首发的主题为《I Am Cait》的系列纪录片为期不远啦!
