福克斯新闻 肯特州复古运动衫引争议(在线收听

Ohio's Kent State University came to epitomize the anti-war movement on college campus' in the Vietnam era. Four student protesters were shot and killed, nine were wounded by National Guard troops in May of 1970.


Urban Outfitters struck a raw nerve with its release of a vintage-looking Kent State sweatshirt — complete with what looks like fake blood stains. University officials were appalled, saying in a statement they "take great offense to a company using our pain for their… profit." 64-year-old Dean Kahler, who was left paralyzed by the shootings, said "this shows the continued low-brow of Wall Street."

Urban Outfitters公司设计了一款肯特州复古运动衫,由于该运动衫上涂鸦着假的血迹,它的出售引起了人们的不满。大学官员为此感到震惊,他们在一份申明中写道:“强烈抗议那些以盈利为目的,将我们的痛苦置之不理的公司。”64岁的丁卡勒也抗议道:“这又一次反映了华尔街的低俗。”丁卡勒是上述枪击事件中的受害者,那次枪击事件以后,他成为了瘫痪病患者。

Urban Outfitters have pulled the $129 item from their website. Company officials say they never intended to allude to the shootings.

Urban Outfitters已将价值129美元的肯特州复古运动衫下架。该公司的官方代表称,他们并非有意要影射那次的枪击事件。

Kerin McCue, FOX News Radio.

这里是福克斯新闻电台,Kerin McCue为您播报。
