福克斯新闻 奥巴马总统推进中期选举(在线收听

President Obama has yet to appear on stage with Democrats in close races, but he is pushing his economic agenda at his own appearances, fundraisers and in videos, like this, released by his political operation Organizing for Action.


"Today, a mom or dad working full time on the minimum wage doesn't earn enough to make ends meet. That's not right. That's wrong."


On issues like raising the minimum wage, polls do show public support. But approval ratings fall on broader economic questions… a troubling trend for vulnerable Democrats running for reelection in states President Obama lost in 2012.


In Washington, Jared Halpern, Fox News Radio.

这里是华盛顿福克斯新闻广播,Jared Halpern为您播报。
