福克斯新闻 埃博拉疫情——福克斯新闻广播特别报道(在线收听

lines the day before reporting a fever.

我是埃本·布朗,我在达拉斯为您播报——在这充满压力的时期,为了让照看埃博拉病人的员工有个平和的心态, 德克萨斯州长老会医院正陆续为他们提供免费住宿。他们仍在照看被感染了埃博拉病毒的护士范尼娜(Nina Pham),但员工琥珀·文森(Amber Vinson)现已在埃里莫大学医院。当范妮娜于发烧前一天曾搭乘过美国边疆航空公司的消息被披露时,文森引发恐慌。

(Frieden) "She should not have traveled on a commercial airline."

弗里登(Frieden) 说道:“她不应该搭乘商用客机。”

CDC Director Tom Frieden. But now Vinson claims she was told by CDC it was okay to fly.


I'm Jared Halpern at the White House…

我是杰瑞德·哈尔彭(Jared Halpern ),我在美国白宫为您播报。

(President Obama) "The dangers of a serious outbreak are extraordinary low."


After cancelling a campaign swing…to meet with Cabinet secretaries and agency chiefs about the Ebola response, the President trying to balance concern with calm.


(President Obama) "It is not like the flu. It is not airborne."


Using himself as an example…the President says he shook hands with, hugged and kissed nurses who successfully treated Ebola patients in Atlanta.


(President Obama) "I felt perfectly safe doing so."


The President does want a CDC rapid response team on the ground at any hospital with an Ebola case — to ensure protocols are being followed.


I'm Rachel Sutherland in Washington.


The government has resisted a travel ban on Ebola-stricken nations, saying it would make it more difficult to control the outbreak. But, calls are growing louder to reconsider. Dr. Richard Carmona, Surgeon General under President George W. Bush, says:

政府拒绝向埃博拉病毒侵袭的国家实施旅行禁令,称这会让他们更难控制疫情。但要求重新考虑的呼声越喊越高。理查德·卡莫纳(Richard Carmona)博士——乔治·W·布什任命的卫生局局长,说道:

(Dr. Carmona) "I think that we have to put on the table any and all options"


Yale-educated infectious diseases expert Dr. David Dausey says the government should shut down commercial flights — and use the military to get aid in and out of the affected areas.

毕业于耶鲁大学的传染病专家戴维·道西(David Dausey)称,政府应关闭商用客机——让士兵进出感染区,并提供救助。

Here's Tonya J. Powers in New York, with Ebola fears and the scammers who are preying on them.

我是Tonya J. Powers,这里是纽约,它被埃博拉恐慌和诈骗困扰着。

Nothing brings out the scammers like a crisis… and, some are working email phishing scams, investments scams, and even products they claim can cure Ebola.


(Hutchinson): "Phony prevention kits that have masks and disinfectant and other things that supposedly will help you keep from getting Ebola."


Randy Hutchinson there with the Better Business Bureau.


Heightened Ebola fears even affected the stock market, fueling a sell-off as news of a second health care worker's Ebola diagnosis made investors question the ability of authorities to keep the virus from spreading.


In New York City, Tonya J. Powers, FOX News Radio.

这里是纽约福克斯新闻广播,Tonya J. Powers为您播报。
