美国国家公共电台 NPR 美国"罗斯福"号舰长因疫情求援遭解职 代理海军部长讽刺其"太蠢"(在线收听

The acting secretary of the Navy had some disparaging words for Capt. Brett Crozier, the ousted commander of the USS Theodore Roosevelt. The Navy secretary spoke to the ship's crew while aboard the carrier. The former commander of the Roosevelt was reassigned after he wrote a memo complaining about the Navy's reaction to the coronavirus outbreak aboard the carrier. The memo leaked, the crisis went public, and Navy officials have been working to contain it ever since. NPR has now obtained a copy of the leaked audio of the acting Navy secretary addressing the crew. And NPR Pentagon correspondent Tom Bowman joins us to discuss it.


Hi, Tom.




SHAPIRO: So what did the acting secretary, Thomas Modly, say in this leaked audio?


BOWMAN: Well, he was pretty defensive, Ari, and he told the crew that he and Navy leaders were working to help Capt. Crozier deal with the virus before that letter was written. Let's listen.




THOMAS MODLY: I want you to know that no one at my level has been ignoring the situation here from the very beginning. I reached out to your C.O. through my chief of staff very, very early on in this crisis.


BOWMAN: And Modly has previously said that they were already rushing medical personnel to the ship planning to remove sailors but probably not as fast as Capt. Crozier wanted. And Modly went on in his talk to the crew to sharply criticize the captain for sending that letter to more than 20 people. Here he is again.




MODLY: If he didn't think that information was going to get out into the public in this information age that we live in, then he was, A, too naive or too stupid to be the commanding officer of a ship like this. The alternate is that he did it on purpose. And that's a serious violation of the Uniform Code of Military Justice.


BOWMAN: Now, the letter was first published by the San Francisco Chronicle, Crozier's hometown paper. Modly mentioned that fact at a Pentagon briefing last week but acknowledged he has no information Crozier leaked it to the paper. Now, Modly's office in a statement today said the secretary has not heard this audio, but neither he nor anyone in the Navy is disputing the authenticity of the tape. Modly said in a statement he spoke from the heart to the crew, and he stands by every word.


SHAPIRO: And can you tell how the crew received those remarks?


BOWMAN: You know, we don't know. There seemed to be a silence when the secretary concluded. We do know Crozier was popular with the crew. He got a rousing sendoff from his crew when he left the carrier with shouts of Capt. Crozier, Capt. Crozier. Colleagues have rushed to defend the captain, calling him a fine officer. Crozier is a Naval Academy grad. He flew both helicopters as well as the F-18 warplane. Modly criticized him as being too emotional during a Pentagon briefing, again, last week, indicating the captain just couldn't handle the stress of the virus. Now, reportedly, Pentagon and Navy officers did not want Crozier relieved from command. They preferred to have an investigation and go forward from there. Secretary Modly, who is also, by the way, a Naval Academy grad and flew helicopters himself, said he wanted to remove Crozier, and no one stood in his way. A number of people I've been talking with at the Pentagon here, Ari, they're just shaking their heads over how this was handled, saying it was a disaster.

鲍曼:我们并不清楚船员的反应。代理部长结束讲话后,现场似乎一片沉默。但我们知道,克罗泽在船员中备受欢迎。他离开这艘航母时,船员激动地高呼“克罗泽舰长”为其送行。他的同事争先恐后地为他辩护,称他是优秀军官。克罗泽毕业于海军学院。他驾驶过直升飞机,也开过 F-18战机。莫德利在上周的五角大楼简报会上批评他过于情绪化,这表明舰长无法处理冠状病毒带来的压力。据报道,五角大楼和海军官员都不希望克罗泽被解职。他们更愿意进行调查,然后继续前进。顺便说一下,莫德利部长也是海军学院毕业生,而且也驾驶过直升飞机,他说他希望解职克罗泽,而且没有人阻止他。阿里,多名五角大楼成员接受了我的采访,在被问及如何处理这件事时,他们只是摇头,称这是一场灾难。

SHAPIRO: Just in our final seconds, how is the health of the crew and what's the status of the outbreak?


BOWMAN: Well, the ship is still in Guam, and they've tested 61% of the roughly 5,000 sailor crew. One hundred seventy-three sailors so far have tested positive. No one is hospitalized. Many are staying ashore, some in hotels. Now, Crozier himself reportedly tested positive according to those who know him. But the captain, according to the Navy, doesn't want to comment on that.


SHAPIRO: NPR Pentagon correspondent Tom Bowman, thank you for the update.


BOWMAN: You're welcome, Ari.

