2020年CRI "One country, two systems" to be unchanged in HK: mainland official(在线收听


Mainland authorities have stressed that the "one country, two systems" principle will remain unchanged in Hong Kong and that no foreign interference in the city's affairs will be allowed.

Speaking to the press on Monday, Yang Guang, a spokesman for the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the State Council, made it clear that three bottom lines cannot be challenged when implementing the "one country, two systems" principle in Hong Kong.

"We never allow any behaviors to jeopardize China's national sovereignty and security, never allow any challenge to the authority of the central government and the Basic Law, and never allow any move to infiltrate and undermine Chinese inland by making use of Hong Kong," said Yang.

While reaffirming the mainland's commitment to fully implementing the "one country, two systems" principle, spokesman Yang Guang also said the principle will never weaken the high-degree autonomy of the special administrative region.

He also stressed that Hong Kong affairs are China's internal affairs, warning against foreign interference.

Some western countries have called for sympathy, understanding and even tolerance for violent crimes, while criticizing police actions to maintain public security.

The spokesman blamed the negative role those countries have played.

"Recently some Western politicians made irresponsible remarks over and over again, and even went out to back some people. To put it bluntly, they are simply trying to mess things up in Hong Kong and turn Hong Kong into a trouble spot for China to contain China's development. Their attempts are doomed to fail," said Yang.

Yang Guang reiterated that the central government will firmly support Hong Kong authorities to punish violent and illegal acts in accordance with the law.

He said intentional violent activities by some protesters have gone far beyond peaceful demonstrations, and have severely damaged Hong Kong's social order, economy and people's livelihoods.

"No civilized society under the rule of law can tolerate rampant violence. It is our hope that the general public in Hong Kong can understand clearly the seriousness of the current situation, jointly condemn the evil deeds and crimes committed by the radicals, and prevent them from harming Hong Kong," said Yang.

The spokesman also called on Hong Kong citizens to firmly uphold the rule of law, calling it an important cornerstone for the city to maintain its prosperity and stability.

He urged the people to walk clear from political disputes and focus more on developing the economy and improving people's livelihoods, especially in helping young people tackling difficulties in housing, education, employment and starting businesses.
