2020年CRI China's central government expressed support for Hong Kong police and leader(在线收听


China has expressed support for Hong Kong Chief Executive Carrie Lam and the police force amid the escalation of protests in Hong Kong, which have taken an increasingly violent turn in recent weeks.

Spokesperson for the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the State Council Yang Guang made the remarks at a press conference held in Beijing this afternoon.

Yang blamed a few "radical protesters" for the violence, saying the central government fully supports the relevant government departments and police in establishing the rule of law.

On Sunday, riot police fired tear gas and rubber bullets at protesters calling for Hong Kong leader Carrie Lam to resign. At least 49 people have been arrested for offenses including unauthorized assembly and possession of offensive weapons.

For more, CRI's Zhao Ying had a talk with Victor Gao, current affairs commentator.
