2020年CRI Nasdaq special opening bell celebrates Chinese New Year(在线收听


The Nasdaq stock exchange has marked the Chinese Lunar New Year on Friday with a special bell ringing ceremony to kick off the day's trading. 

CRI's correspondent Qian Shanming has more from New York. 

To mark the start of the Chinese Lunar New Year, the Nasdaq opened trading on Friday with Zhang Qiyue, Chinese Consul General in New York, ringing the opening bell.

"Today is the first day of the Chinese Lunar New Year, the year of Dog. Thank you for dedicating today's Nasdaq Opening Bell Ceremony to the celebration of the Lunar New Year."

Zhang Qiyue says China has entered a New Era since the CPC Congress last October, telling traders on the Nasdaq floor that China is throwing its doors open even wider to the world, including the United States. 

"In this New Era, China will open its door even wider and offer more opportunities to the US and to the world. Recent years have witnessed greater economic cooperation between our two countries. I would like to stress that the China-U.S. economic and commercial cooperation is mutually beneficial, and the potential is yet to be tapped. Let us work together in the new year to build a stronger partnership for the benefit of our two peoples, thus contributing to world peace and development. "

Robert McCooey, Senior Vice President of Listings at Nasdaq says the start of the Spring Festival is an important event for Nasdaq. 

"It's always our great pleasure to celebrate the Chinese New Year with the Consulate here in New York, as we get ready to ring this morning's opening bell. The celebration of Chinese Lunar New Year is an important event here for us in Nasdaq, and there's no better place, I think, than we would celebrate here at what we called Crossroad of the World, Times Square, to celebrate the Lunar New Year."

Robert McCooey notes there are many Chinese companies which are able to raise funds through the Nasdaq. 

"As of today, we have over 110 companies from China who call Nasdaq home, some of those companies include Baidu, JD, Netease, Ctrip, and Weibo. I think we can all agree that all these companies, all these Nasdaq-listed Chinese companies' accomplishments are very significant on a global-basis. Their innovative thinking and entrepreneur spirit will continue to help our two nations grow individually and together. "

The stock exchange has also put up pictures of dogs and the phrase "Happy Chinese New Year" on its large digital screens at Times Square on Friday.

For CRI, this is Qian Shanming from New York. 
