英语新闻听写 微软将升级Xbox One硬件(在线收听

Some recent FCC filings indicate Microsoft is upgrading the hardware for their current generation console.


The proposed models will also support virtual reality.


One of the upcoming models is expected to have a slimmer trim in compact console that will cost less as well.


Codenamed "Scorpio" the upgraded Xbox One consoles are expected to ship next year.

主机代号“天蝎”Xbox One升级版预计将于明年上市。

A new graphics processor will also support 4K resolution and the Oculus Rift virtual reality headset.

新图像处理器将支持4k高清,以及Oculus Rift虚拟真实头戴。

Microsoft has also been pushing for more cross-platform support between the Xbox and their latest PC operating system, Windows 10.

微软正在Xbox和最新操作系统Windows 10之间开发跨平台工具。
