英语新闻听写 一款让美国人欲罢不能的美食(在线收听

3 Fun Facts For National Pretzel Day


Whether they're soft or crunchy, large or small, salty or cheesy, Pretzels are a delicious treat everyone can enjoy.


Here are some fun facts to celebrate National Pretzel Day.


1. While the exact origins of pretzels aren't fully known, the first historical mention of them were in 610 AD when an Italian monk would give pretzels as a reward to children who learned their prayers.

1. 椒盐脆饼最早起源于哪里不得而知,历史记录中最早提到椒盐脆饼是在公元610年,当时意大利的教士把椒盐脆饼奖励给聆听祷告的孩子们。

2. The annual United States pretzel industry is worth about $550 million.

2. 每年,美国人椒盐脆饼的消费金额高达5.5亿美元。

3. The average American consumes about 1.5 pounds of pretzels per year.

3. 每年,美国人均消费的椒盐脆饼数量为1.5磅。

Now go roll some dough and celebrate by making, and eating, some pretzels!

