英语新闻听写 美国为何要全面禁用人造反式脂肪酸?(在线收听

US Orders Ban on Trans Fats by 2016


US regulators have said, Trans fats are unsafe to eat and must be banned from the food supply within three years.


The US Food and Drug Administration said a 2016 ban would save lives by preventing fatal heart attacks.


Food suppliers have been required to show trans fat information on food labels since 2006 but health experts say Americans still consume too much.


FDA's Acting Commissioner Stephen Ostroff said "The FDA's action on this major source of artificial trans fat demonstrates the agency's commitment to the heart health of all Americans".

FDA的行动执行官Stephen Ostroff表示:“禁止人造反式脂肪酸的主要来源,此举彰显了FDA保护美国人们心脏健康的承诺。”

Since the FDA started labeling trans fats, the agency estimates that consumption of them decreased by 78% in the US.

