英语新闻听写 闺蜜变仇人后变弟妹 还可以再狗血一点吗?(在线收听

Blac Chyna and Kim Kardashian Rebuild Their Friendship

闺蜜变仇人后成弟妹 还可以再狗血一点吗?

Blac Chyna and Kim Kardashian seem to be leaving their drama in the past.

Blac Chyna和Kim Kardashian似乎是要冰释前嫌。

The pair called a truce after Chyna and Rob Kardashian announced they are engaged and having a child together.

Chyna和卡戴珊的弟弟Rob Kardashian宣布订婚并怀孕之后,这两位宿敌似乎要停战了。

According to a source, they are working to rebuild their friendship by hanging out without Rob.


The entire Kardashian family seems to be putting past drama aside to focus on the upcoming arrival.

