英语新闻听写 洛杉矶E3游戏展规模宏大(在线收听

Today Nintendo confirmed that Pokemon Sun and Moon and Pokemon GO would both be featured in the "Nintendo Treehouse" presentations

据任天堂证实,6月14日任天堂将举办“任天堂树屋”游戏展,而《Pokemon Sun and Moon》和《Pokemon GO》掌上游戏将同时亮相,

taking place on June 14th and 15th exciting fans everywhere.


The new games will have live gameplay and will probably showcase the recently announced "Rotom Pokedex" .


The presentations called E3 will take place June 14-16 in Los Angeles.


Pokemon Sun and Moon will be released on November 18 in the US and Japan and November 23 in Europe.

《Pokemon Sun and Moon》将于11月18日在美国发布,11月23日在欧洲发布。
