2020年经济学人 一周要闻 欧洲疫情严重 英国首相确诊 韩国选举如期举行(在线收听

The world this week




Boris Johnson, Britain’s prime minister, who has contracted covid-19, was admitted to intensive care after a deterioration in his breathing. Dominic Raab, the foreign secretary, is to stand in for him chairing cabinet meetings “where necessary”.

英国首相鲍里斯·约翰逊确诊感染新冠病毒,在呼吸恶化后被送进重症监护病房。英国外交大臣多米尼克·拉布(Dominic Raab)将在“必要时”代替他主持内阁会议。

America braced itself for a surge in deaths related to the new coronavirus. There were some tentative signs of good news in Europe, as the number of people dying and the number of new cases registered each day fell in several countries, including Spain and Italy, the two worst-affected. Austria talked of starting to emerge from its shutdown, and in Denmark junior schools and kindergartens are to reopen. But Europe remains the worst-hit part of the globe.


Covid-19 infections jumped in a number of big Asian countries, including Indonesia, Japan and Pakistan. The governments of Japan and Singapore, which had not yet placed severe restrictions on people’s movement, did so. But South Korea, which was the first country outside China to suffer a severe outbreak, said elections would go ahead on April 15th, after a slowing of new infections.


The authorities in Myanmar arrested the editor-in-chief of a news website for publishing an interview with the spokesman of a rebel militia that the government had recently labelled a terrorist group. The editor faces life in prison.


George Pell, an Australian cardinal who was once the Vatican’s main financial manager, was acquitted of sexual abuse of minors on appeal, after a two-and-a-half-year legal saga. A court in the state of Victoria had found Mr Pell guilty of assaulting two choirboys when he was Archbishop of Melbourne in the 1990s.

澳大利亚红衣主教乔治·佩尔(George Pell)曾是梵蒂冈的主要财务经理,在经过两年半的法律诉讼后,他在上诉中被判对未成年人实施性虐待罪名不成立。维多利亚州的一家法院认定,佩尔在上世纪90年代担任墨尔本大主教时,曾虐待两名唱诗班男孩。

Wisconsin’s Democratic primary went ahead. A last-minute order from the Democratic governor to postpone the election, and other state contests, until June because of covid-19 was overturned by the state Supreme Court. Those voters who did venture out to the polling stations faced long queues.


Meanwhile, the Democrats pushed back the date of their national convention from mid-July to mid-August. It is still supposed to take place in Milwaukee, though Joe Biden has suggested it might have to be held online.


Donald Trump sacked the inspector-general of America’s intelligence services. There was no apparent reason other than that he was the official who alerted Congress to a whistleblower’s complaint about the president’s dealings with Ukraine, which led to Mr Trump’s impeachment.


Twitter removed thousands of accounts linked to the governments of Egypt, Honduras, Indonesia, Saudi Arabia and Serbia for attempting to “undermine the public conversation” in those countries.

