
JUDY WOODRUFF: So, one big question for Election Day tomorrow is, will young people show up at the polls? The NewsHour's Student Reporting Labs, our network of high school journalism programs, explored that with future voters.

PAIGE ANDREWS, Student: I do think voting matters. I think it's a really important part of our democracy. And I think that everyone should take part in it because that's our duty as American citizens.

CONNOR HOBBS, Student: Young people are less likely to vote because they think that their vote doesn't matter and one vote won't change anything.

KYLIE AMBERBUERE, Student: I am one of those 18-year-olds that do not go to voting polls to vote.

JEREMIAH GREENE, Student: I do not vote because I do not pay attention to what's going on in the news, and I don't want to just throw a vote out there.

KEVIN WILLIAMS, Student: My peers are really quiet about it. They don't really talk, like talking about politics as much, because it's very uncomfortable, and my family doesn't really bring it up either.

CARA WESTRA, Student: I think teachers are a little more cautious about talking about politics, so that might negatively affect the youth vote because people are hearing less about it.

MARK CABALSE, Student: I think the only way to get people to vote more is making voting required.

NOELLE LO, Student: Lower the voting age to around 16, because I feel like, if we start voting at a younger age, it will become routine.

BRANDYN PRINCE, Student: Make voting mobile. Our generation is so technology-driven that, if voting were literally at our fingertips, then that's an initiative to get all young people to vote.

EMERSON MORROW, Student: We brought a goat, a miniature goat onto campus, like a fainting goat, and it was, that was our vote goat. And so many folks stopped by just to pet the goat or play with the goat. And while we were there, we said, hey, you know you have already taken a minute. Do you have a second to register to vote? And we registered over 100 people that day. So, that was really awesome.

ROSLIN DESIDARIO, Student: What would get me to vote is something that would affect me every day, like minimum wage, car payments, car taxes.

JACK RICKLE, Student: Probably the rising cost of college education is the most important to me, because it's the most relevant to me in the next four to six years of my life.

KARA HAWLEY, Student: It can change so many issues that are important to me, especially considering the recent school shootings and so many attempts to try to get rid of birth control and Planned Parenthood.

ELLIOT WIDD, Student: It does seem like one of the most important elections, especially because it seems like the fiber of the country is coming apart.

ROSIE BANKS, Student: I think what's encouraging me to vote is especially the fact that some of my ancestors didn't get the vote, and they didn't get a say over how their lives were spent.

ISHAN BHANOT, Student: So, we can't like sit around and say that things are bad without trying to change them. And the major platform for changes voting in candidates that want to change the problems you see.

ELLIE WIRTZ, Student: I think voting does matter. I think it's kind of an obligation, especially because, as a woman, the people who came before us fought so hard and so tirelessly for our right to vote.

JUDY WOODRUFF: Let's hope they all come around to believing that voting is important. We certainly think it is. We're gonna be all over the midterm election results tomorrow night. We have special coverage throughout the evening.



















