英语新闻听写 这年头,演员都去干这个了?(在线收听

Antonio Banderas Talks Fashion


Actor and film producer Antonio Banderas, who is also studying fashion design at Central Saint Martins in London, on Wednesday presented his first collection in collaboration with Selected, a Scandinavian high-street label.


The Spanish star and Selected head designer Daniel Struzinski presented the fall collection during an event at the Rosewood London hotel.

这位西班牙演员与思莱德品牌首席设计师Daniel Struzinski在伦敦紫檀酒店举行的一场秀中展示了所设计的秋季时装。

This is the first of two collections Banderas plans to create.


Banderas commented on his own style saying, “In the morning, I wear jeans, something comfortable, sneakers, a T-shirt and maybe a leather jacket, and I go out.


If I have meetings, I want to go a little bit more elegant so I wear chinos, a blazer to have a meeting with the producer, or a cocktail. "

