英语新闻听写 枪支制造商股价周一集体上涨(在线收听

On Monday morning, as the stock market opened for the first time since a shooter killed 50 people in an Orlando gay nightclub,


shares of U.S. gun manufacturers were surging, as fears took hold that yet another mass shooting might lead to a crackdown on gun ownership.


Monday trading ended with shares in Sturm, Ruger & Company, America’s largest publicly-traded gunmaker by market cap, up nearly 9% from Friday.

作为美国最大的上市枪支公司,与上周五相比,Sturm, Ruger & Company周一收盘增长近9%。

Meanwhile, competitor Smith & Wesson’s shares ended up nearly 7% and ammunition maker Vista surged 3% when trading opened Monday,


though it ended the day up just a few points.

