
JUDY WOODRUFF: It is perhaps the most controversial issue facing the country, but, this weekend, Democratic candidates for president didn't shy away from the issue of abortion, and neither did the president. Amna Nawaz brings us up to speed.

AMNA NAWAZ: In Birmingham, Alabama...

SEN. BERNIE SANDERS (I-VT), Presidential Candidate: Make no mistake about it. These laws are dangerous, they are regressive, and they are blatantly unconstitutional.

AMNA NAWAZ: Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders criticized the just-passed Alabama law that bans abortions after eight weeks. Meanwhile, in New Hampshire, during a FOX News town hall, South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg said the next president should nominate judges who promise to uphold Roe v. Wade.

PETE BUTTIGIEG (D), Presidential Candidate: I believe in the right of the woman to make her own decisions about her reproductive health and about her body is a national right. I believe it's an American freedom. And I believe that should be enjoyed by women in every state.

AMNA NAWAZ: The two Democratic presidential candidates were not alone. New Jersey Senator Cory Booker, Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren and New York Senator Kirsten Gillibrand each said this weekend they, too, would nominate pro-Roe judges, if elected. For his part, President Trump said he disagrees with the Alabama law. He tweeted Saturday he is strongly pro-life, with the three exceptions, rape, incest and protecting the life of the mother. The Alabama law has no exceptions for rape or incest. While abortion rights policies unite most Democratic candidates, several took to the trail this weekend to distinguish themselves on other issues.

JOSEPH BIDEN (D), Presidential Candidate: I'm running for our country, Democrats, Republicans, and independents, a different path.

AMNA NAWAZ: In Philadelphia, former Vice President Joe Biden brought his message of unity for his campaign's official kickoff rally, stressing his ability to bring the party together. Across the country in Los Angeles, California Senator Kamala Harris announced an equal pay proposal that would punish corporations for wage discrimination.

SEN. KAMALA HARRIS (D-CA), Presidential Candidate: When you lift up the economic status of women, you lift up the economic status of families, and communities, and all of society.

AMNA NAWAZ: And Senator Sanders, during a multistate tour through the south, introduced a 10-point education plan on Saturday, the 65th anniversary of the landmark Brown v. Board of Education ruling. The plan includes banning for-profit charter schools, triple funding for Title I schools, working with states to increase teacher pay, and allocating 5 billion dollars for summer and after-school programs, trying to set himself apart in a crowded field of 23 candidates, with over eight months to go before the first votes are even cast. For the PBS NewsHour, I'm Amna Nawaz.










阿姆纳·纳瓦兹:而伯尼·桑德斯在美国南部多州进行竞选活动时,于周六提出了一项十点教育计划。那一天正值布朗案判决65周年纪念。该十点计划包括禁止以盈利为目的的特许学校,同时给予Title I学校3倍的资金供给。要与各州合作,提高教师收入,为夏季项目和课后项目分配50亿美元的资金。他试图让自己在多达23名总统候选人里显得特别。而现在距离首次投票还有8个多月的时间。感谢收听阿姆纳·纳瓦兹发回的《新闻一小时》报道。
