
JOHN YANG: With eight months before the first-in-the-nation Iowa caucuses, the largest group of presidential hopefuls descended on the Hawkeye State this weekend. As Lisa Desjardins reports, this will be a decisive week in the 2020 campaign.

LISA DESJARDINS: In Iowa this weekend, a shift into high gear, the campaign signs, the colors, the chants, all of it cresting and competing in Cedar Rapids.

RALLIERS: JDK is the candidate for me!

LISA DESJARDINS: Nineteen presidential candidates were there for the state Democratic Party Hall of Fame dinner, but, first, they faced off in mini-rallies outside.

New Jersey Senator Cory Booker: SEN. CORY BOOKER (D-NJ), Presidential Candidate: We have got the determination. We have the love that it takes to win the nomination and beat Donald Trump!

LISA DESJARDINS: It was a fight for visuals. South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg played the keyboard, and many campaigns battled on social media, trying to prove they are organized and, above all, excited.

RALLIERS: I-O-W-A, Elizabeth Warren all the way!

LISA DESJARDINS: Inside the dinner, the long line of candidates was limited to five minutes each. Some, like California Senator Kamala Harris, came with a broad campaign message.

SEN. KAMALA HARRIS (D-CA), Presidential Candidate: I am here to ask for your support, because I am prepared to make the case for America and to prosecute the case against Donald Trump.

LISA DESJARDINS: Others focused on a single signature issue, like Washington State Governor Jay Inslee.

GOV. JAY INSLEE (D-WA), Presidential Candidate: We need to stand up to defeat climate change. We need to save our kids from the threat of asthma. We got to save our farmers from the floods. Iowa is on the front line of disaster. And it is on the cutting edge of technology.

LISA DESJARDINS: For Montana Governor Steve Bullock, it was campaign finance.

GOV. STEVE BULLOCK (D-MT), Presidential Candidate: In this post-Citizens United world, where money equals speech, corporations have the same right as people. Until we address the fact that the rules are now written for those who have the biggest checkbooks, we're not going to solve any of the problems you have heard about.

LISA DESJARDINS: This week, the whole field is steaming toward another landmark, when Democrats determine out which of the 23 candidates have met the criteria for the party's first presidential debates. Three candidates, Bullock, plus Miramar, Florida, Mayor Wayne Messam and Massachusetts Congressman Seth Moulton, are still in doubt. They have not polled highly enough or raised enough money, this as Iowa Democrats seem to see the field in two groups. A new Iowa poll from CNN, The Des Moines Register and Mediacom found five candidates soaking up the most support, former Vice President Joe Biden, Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders, Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren, plus Buttigieg and Harris. Everyone else is at 2 percent or below. Two other notable findings from this poll of Iowa Democrats, a sizable chunk, 25 percent, say a candidate being white would be more of an advantage against President Trump in a general election matchup. And 19 percent say a candidate being a woman would be more of a disadvantage. One of the few candidates missing from last weekend's Iowa action? Biden. He was attending his granddaughter's high school graduation, but he and President Trump will be back in the Hawkeye State tomorrow. For the PBS NewsHour, I'm Lisa Desjardins.














丽萨·德雅尔丹:本周,民主党都为一个里程碑式的节点而躁动,这个节点就是:民主党要通过党内第一次总统辩论来从23个候选人中选出符合标准的那位候选人。有3名候选人,即布洛克、米拉玛、佛罗里达州的一位市长韦恩·梅萨姆、马萨诸塞州国会议员莫尔顿都有很大的不确定性。他们要么是选票不够,要么是筹资不够,所以这些爱荷华州民主党议员似乎分成了两类。根据美国有线电视新闻网络(CNN)、《得梅因纪事报》、竞立媒体报道的爱荷华州最新票选情况,有5位候选人票选最高:前副总统乔·拜登、佛蒙特州参议员伯尼·桑德斯、马萨诸塞州参议员伊丽莎白·沃伦、布蒂格、哈里斯。其他候选人的票比都在2%以下。爱荷华州民主党人通过此次民意调查还发现两件事:1. 有相当大的一部分人——25%的选民认为,白人候选人在与特朗普角逐时具有更大的优势;2. 有19%的人认为,女性候选人会更有优势。有哪位为数不多的候选人没有参加上周末爱荷华州的行动呢?拜登。他当时正在参加孙女的高中毕业典礼,不过他和特朗普明天都将回到爱荷华州。感谢收听丽萨·德雅尔丹发回的《新闻一小时》报道。
