看绯闻女孩学英语 94(在线收听

Serena: Whoa. Angry guy, huh?

怒发冲冠 哈

Dan: Short fuse. I'm trying to work on that.

小火气 我正在尽力压制

Serena: Well, let me know how that goes for you.


Dan: Yeah, I'll... I'll keep you posted.

好啊 我会向你汇报最新情况的

Serena: It's a tough week.


Dan: Not for me, apparently.


Serena: Oh, you got an usher position?

哦 你当上接待生了

Dan: No, I didn’t. Uh, in an ironic though not totally unexpected twist,

没有 讽刺但非意料之外的是

Nate got the one I wanted.


Serena: I'm sorry.


Dan: Yeah, well, I guess that's life when you're not a legacy.

没什么 我想生活就是这样了 除非你有遗产可以继承

Serena: Well, hey, just 'cause are not an usher,

嘿 你当不成接待生

doesn't mean you're not gonna get into an ivy.


Dan: Yeah? Wh... uh, where'd your parents go to school?

是吗 你父母在哪儿上的大学

Serena: Harvard and Brown.


Dan: That is... That is all I am saying.

这 这就验证了我所说的

1. Short fuse. I'm trying to work on that.

词语理解:short是“短暂的,短期的”的意思,fuse的本义是“保险丝”的意思,但是作为俚语用,它比喻为“怒气,怒火”。因此,short fuse直译为“短暂的怒火”,意译为“发脾气发一下就结束了”。

词语理解:work on是一个固定短语,它是“从事于,致力于”的意思,在这里是指“企图,尽力克制(怒气)”。例如:

We need to put in our time to work on our skills. 我们需要将自己的时间投在技能上。

The scientists are still working on inventing new methods of reaching outer space. 科学家们仍致力于发明到达外层空间的新方法。

2. Well, let me know how that goes for you.

句型精解:“How does +something go for+somebody.”这个句型表示“某人的某件事情进行得如何?”go在这里是“进行,进展”的意思。例如:

How does business go for you? 你的生意怎么样了?

How does the final exams go for you? 你的期末考试如何?

3. Yeah, I'll... I'll keep you posted.

短语精解:keep sb. posted的意思是“保持联系”,当我们分手的时候,我们可用这句话。Keep是使役动词,意思“使保持”的意思,posted是动词post的过去分词,意思是“消息灵通的”,因此,keep sb. Posted直译是“使某人保持消息灵通”,意译为“让某人知道最新情况,最新消息,最新动态”等等。

3. It's a tough week.

口语精解:这个句子直译为“这是艰难的一周”。它用来表示人在这一周的生活或者工作等不顺心,比较艰辛,艰难。如果要强调出具体是谁,在句子的后面接介词for,即:It is tough week for me.

4. Oh, you got an usher position?

短语点拨:get a position意思是“得到职位,获得这个职务”,要表示这个职务,职位具体是什么,在position的前面加上名词。例如台词中get an usher position就是指“获得接待生这个职位”,usher是名词,放于positon前面,表示这个职位是“usher”。

5. Yeah, well, I guess that's life when you're not a legacy.

弦外之音:legacy是指“遗产”,在这里比喻“富贵子弟”,“that's life when you are not a legacy.”意思是“当你不是富贵子弟的时候生活就是这样。”这句话体现出了贫富阶级对孩子们是有影响的,让孩子们觉得是不公平的。
