英语专四 短文听力 Passage -3(在线收听


Questions 17 to 20 are based on the following passage.
(20) By the end of the term,I hope you will be convinced as I am that formal writing always requires revision. So I give the talk to help you have a new thinking about writing. Sometimes it requires a fairly major rewriting of the paper. Some students have the mistaken idea that revision means simply making corrections in spelling and grammar. I call that proofreading. What I expect you to do with your revision is to evaluate and improve the overall effectiveness of your paper. But how can you tell if your paper is effective? Well, for example, start by asking yourself these questions: (17) Is the topic restricted enough to be fully discussed within the given length? Are the main ideas clear? Are they supported by specific details and examples? Do they move smoothly from one idea to the next? You need enough time for a possible major overhaul. (18) That is you may have to make a lot of changes before your paper becomes really clear to the reader. So I’ll expect a preliminary draft of each paper two weeks before the final due date. That way I can criticize it and get it back to you in time for you to revise it. Then you can submit a final draft for grading. This process may seem like a great deal of trouble at first, but I think you’ll find it valuable. (19) In fact, after you finish this course,I doubt that you will ever turn in a term paper without first revising it carefully.
Passage 5
Questions 17 to 20 are based on the following passage. At the end of the passage,you will be given 20 seconds to answer the questions.
Now, listen to the passage.
17. The questions to check whether the paper is effective don’t involve
A. the topic of the paper
B. the length of the paper
C. the main idea of the paper
D. details and examples in the paper
18. What does “a possible major overhaul” mean?
A. A fairly major rewriting.
B. Making corrections in spelling and grammar.
C. Proofreading.
D. Evaluating the overall effectiveness.
19. The last sentence of the talk probably means .
A. when the course ends, you can hand in your paper
B. you can’t hand in your term paper without revising
C. you won’t need to revise your term paper since this term
D. you’ll surely revise your term paper before handing revising
20. The talk may .
A. take place at the end of the term
B. take place when a new term begins
C. be delivered by a grammar teacher
D. shed light on college grading system
Passage 5
17. B细节题。抓住题干关键词questions和effective,听时注意捕捉与此相关的信 息。录音中依次提到四个问题:题目范围是否广泛、主题是否清楚、论点是否有论 据支持、过渡是否自然。而论文的长度未提及,所以答案选B。
18. A细节题。听音时留意捕捉a possible major overhaul,尤其是要捕捉这个短语后 面的信息,因为随后的信息往往起到解释说明的目的。在a possible major overhaul 后面出现了 That is you may have to make a lot of changes before your paper becomes really clear to the reader,这是A表达的内容,所以答案为A。
19. D细节题。听懂录音最后一句话的大意:在学完这门课程后,学期论文不经过仔 细修改就上交,这一做法我怀疑再不会发生,D是对末句的同义转述,为正确选项。
20. B推断题。A与B说的是同一个事情,只是时间上有区别,因此两者有其一可能 是答案。从录音首句 By the end of the term, I hope you will.及尾句 after you finish this course, I doubt that you will.. ?可看出老师的谈话发生在新学期开始,所 以B正确。