看绯闻女孩学英语 133(在线收听

Blair: What was that I heard? Eric's coming home? Perfect timing.


Serena: How so?


Blair: Well, it gives your mother and brother time to bond alone tonight

while you get drunk on schnapps and moon the N.Y.U.Dorms from the limo.



Serena: Blair, what are you talking about?


Blair: S, it's only the most important night of the fall.


Serena: Oh, the sleepover.


Blair: I prefer soiree. "Sleepover" is so sophomore year.


Serena: Look, you know I can't go to that. I have that plan.


Blair: Serena, when there's a Waldorf soiree,

there's nothing else on the social calendar.


Serena: Blair, the plan is Dan. Remember, the guy you realized is actually a human being

and worthy of your time and attention? No offense.



Jenny: None taken.


Serena: Look, I'm really sorry, but this date is unbreakable.

Maybe we can swing by later or something.


Blair: I'm not a stop along the way. I'm a destination and if you refuse to attend,

I'm gonna have to find a replacement. Girls, the waiting list.



Serena: Okay. Well, uh, I should get going. Bye.


Jenny: Good luck tonight.


Serena: Thank you.


Blair: Little Jenny Humphrey.Why didn't I think of you before? You have no plans.

You're coming to the soiree.

小Jenny Humphrey,为什么我以前没想到你?你没有安排,你来晚会吧。

Jenny: Me? Really? Blair’s friends: Her? Really?


Blair: The thing is if you come, you'll have to be up to a little more than just sleeping.


Jenny: I'm up for anything.


Blair: My place. 7:00 sharp.


Jenny: Okay. Bye.


Blair: Oh, a girl's first sleepover... something she'll never forget.

Let's make sure of it.


Blair’s friend: Taking bets on how long she lasts?


Blair’s another friend: 50 bucks say an hour and not 1 minute more.


Blair: What was that I heard? Eric's coming home? Perfect timing.

语法点拨:that I heard是定语从句修饰疑问代词what。

Blair: Well, it gives your mother and brother time to bond alone tonight while you get drunk on schnapps and moon, the N.Y.U.Dorms from the limo.

词汇精讲1:bond是动词,在这里指“发展关系”。《牛津词典》解释道:to develop or create a relationship of trust and affection with sb。译为:增强(与某人的)信任关系;建立(与某人的)互信关系。它的搭配模式是:bond with sb. 例如:

Mothers who are depressed sometimes fail to bond with their children. 患上忧郁症的母亲有时候无法和孩子建立亲子关系。

词汇精讲2:moon在这里做动词用。《牛津词典》解释道:to spend time doing nothing or walking around with no particular purpose, especially because you are unhappy。译为:(无精打彩地)闲逛或消磨时间,虚度。例如:

Mary was mooning around all morning, doing nothing. Mary混了一上午,什么也没干。

My working days were spent mooning round his department, trying to sneak a chance encounter. 上班时我在他的部门转来转去,暗中寻找巧遇他的机会。

短语精讲:get drunk是动词get+动词的过去分词,它表示的意思和这个动词的意思是一样。Get drunk意思是“喝醉”。类似的例子还有:get hurt(受到伤害),get murdered(遭到谋杀),get devoiced(离婚)等等。

词汇点拨:schnapps是荷兰生产的杜子松酒,这种酒是一种烈酒。N.Y.U.是“New York University”的缩写,是指美国的纽约大学。Dorm也可用作dormitory,指“集体宿舍”。Limo是指“豪华轿车”。

短语点拨:give sb some time to do something意思是给某人时间去做模式。For the limo意思是“从豪华轿车出来”。

Blair’s friend: Taking bets on how long she lasts?

短语精讲:take bets on something的意思是“在某事情上下赌注”“打赌......”。例如:

He is the only person who bets on a contestant. 她是对竞争者唯一一个下赌注的人。

He's the man I work for on and off, taking bets on commission. 他就是我时断时续为之工作的那个人,以接受委托与人打赌为营生。

Blair: Serena, when there's a Waldorf soiree, there's nothing else on the social calendar.

短语点拨:nothing else意思是“没有什么其他的(事情,安排等)”,social calendar是指“社交安排表”,on the social calendar是指“在社交安排表上”。

词汇精讲:soiree来自于法文soirée,是指“晚会,黄昏时的晚会”。《牛津词典》中解释道:a formal party in the evening, especially at sb's home。例如:a musical soiree(音乐晚会)。

Serena: Blair, the plan is Dan. Remember, the guy you realized is actually a human being and worthy of your time and attention?

语法点拨:you realized是定语从句修饰指代人且在定语从句中充当主语成分的先行词guy。由于guy在从句中宾语,引导这个定语从句的关系代词who或者是that省略掉了。

短语精讲:worthy of是形容词性断定短语,可以表示“值得......的”“配得上......的”“应得......的”的意思。使用时,介词of后面跟动词的时候,要使用这个动词的动名词形式。例如:

They regard the problem as not worthy of serious consideration. 对这一问题他们都认为不屑一顾。

His spirit of assiduous study is worthy of emulation. 他刻苦钻研的精神,值得效法。

I don't think I am worthy of such an honorable title. 我可担当不起这样的光荣称号。

She was resolved to show herself worthy of her good fortune. 她决心要表示出她是承受得起这份鸿运的。

Jenny: None taken.

情景口语:当有人说话的时候不经意触痛了您的心痛之处,您脸色大变,对方当时候立即明白了,会更您道歉,您可以这样回答:None taken.

Blair: I'm not a stop along the way. I'm a destination and if you refuse to attend, I'm gonna have to find a replacement. Girls, the waiting list.

词汇点拨:attend是指“参加,出席”,replacement是可数名词,意思是“替代的人或物”,waiting list指“候选人名单”。


口语句型:表示某人不会因为另一个人的影响而停止自己要做的事情,可以套用下面这个句型:Sb is not a stop along the way.

台词中说到的“I am not a stop along the way.”的意思是“我不是你人生中的中途小站。”或者是“我不会因为你而停止的。”

Serena: Okay. Well, uh, I should get going. Bye.

短语精讲:get going的意思是“开始出发,开始走”。再如:

We'd better get going so we won't be late. 我们最好出发否则会迟到。

Now get going before I blow your head off. 赶快给我走,不然我打掉你的脑袋。

Blair: Little Jenny Humphrey.Why didn't I think of you before?

短语回顾:think of在这里的意思是“考虑到,想到”。回顾两个例句:

He smiled at her, he could not think of anything to say. 他对她笑笑,一时想不出应对她说些什么。

He doesn't think of what he is saying and often puts his foot in his mouth他说话不考虑,常常胡说八道。

Blair: The thing is if you come, you'll have to be up to a little more than just sleeping.

短语精讲:be up to是个副词性固定短语,它可以表示“做......忙.....”;可以表示“胜任.......”,还可以表示“取决于.......”。例如:

What's he up to? 他做什么呢?

He's not up to the work. 他不能胜任这件工作。

This is up to you. 这件事取决于你。

词汇点拨:more在这里做名词用,意思是“更多的人或事”。A little在这里是副词性短语,修饰more,意思是“多点的事情”。

Blair: Let's make sure of it.

短语精讲:make sure of something的意思是“对......做保证,确保......”。例如:

Check drawing drafts to make sure of the design quality. 审核项目图纸,保证设计质量。

He arrived at the cinema early to make sure of a seat. 为保证搞到座位,他一大早就到了电影院。
