
JUDY WOODRUFF: Finally tonight, amid these difficult times, we wanted to acknowledge the outpouring of interest in the furry creatures who keep some of us company on and off camera, and to those pets who are becoming part of the NewsHour family on social media too. It started with a crawl, viewers writing in about feeling reassured and intrigued by seeing our correspondents' beloved cats in the background as they report from home on the NewsHour every night. To some, the background became front and center in their mind, overriding the news at times. One viewer, Paul, wrote: My wife and I get ready for the 'NewsHour' Wondering, will William Brangham be on? Will the cat be on the sofa? Will it be awake? Will the PBS logo obscure it? And to Lisa Desjardins, viewer Craig wrote: My cat was watching your cat dig into the crack in your sofa, and he pointed out to me that he felt your cat was getting treats, and it's just not fair to other cats. So we wanted to reveal now what there's been a clamoring for.


JUDY WOODRUFF: William's cats are all rescues, 10 year-old Pepper, the TV star, and also Tiki and Sugar, who don't gravitate to the limelight.

WILLIAM BRANGHAM: Who is a good girl?

JUDY WOODRUFF: There's also Macy the dog, but she isn't allowed into the interview room because she's a barker. And Lisa's.


JUDY WOODRUFF: Like William's, he's a rescue cat. He is a southpaw, jabs with his left, like his namesake, Rocky Balboa. The crawl of mail led to an onslaught, dozens of notes, and then followers on social media naming their rescue shelter pets for some of our on-air team. Erin Carlstrom on Twitter: In the midst of all this chaos, please meet Connor Woodruff. Thank you bringing sanity to our home every NewsHour. And Scott tweeted: I wanted to name him after my NewsHour favs too, but I went a little crazy. His full name is Snoopy Desjardins Alcindor Woodruff. Some viewers grew concerned when the cats were hiding. One wrote in all caps: WHERE WAS THE BRANGHAM CAT TONIGHT? And then the fans went wild. Some accounts popped up on Twitter purporting to represent the cats themselves. We'd be remiss if we didn't give a shout-out to the dogs and cats of the NewsHour, seen here on our Zoom editorial meeting call, and supporting our staff behind the scenes. As American poet Linda Pastan wrote: Into the gravity of my life, the serious ceremonies of polish and paper and pen has come the manic animal, whose innocent disruptions make nonsense of my old simplicities, as if I needed him to prove again that, after careful planning, anything can happen. We hope that a glimpse into the behind-the-scenes life of the broadcast makes you feel more a part of the NewsHour family. Thank you for watching. You have got to love -- you have got to love all these pictures and these animals.







朱迪·伍德拉夫:跟威廉的宠物一样,它也是一只明星猫。它是左撇子,猫如其名。第一封信开启了如潮般的信件,社交媒体上的粉丝们开始起爱称了。艾琳在推特上说:在疫情仍在持续的时候,请看看我的伍德拉夫吧。感谢你一直为我们播出《新闻一小时》。斯科特发推文说:我也想把自己的宠物以我喜欢的主持人命名,我更疯狂一些,起了个名字叫Snoopy Desjardins Alcindor Woodruff。一些观众都很关心猫咪们藏在哪里了。有一位观众用大写写道:布朗汉姆的猫跑哪儿去了?粉丝们都疯了。一些账号还说自己是那只猫。如果没有为节目中的猫子和狗子们欢呼喝彩的话,就是失职,毕竟它们支持着每一场节目、每一位幕后工作者。一位美国诗人琳达·帕斯坦写道:在生活的重力下,纸笔的严肃仪式遇到了狂热的动物们,它们无暇的打扰让我之前的简单变得毫无意义,仿佛我需要它们再次证明任何事情在经过仔细的计划后都有可能发生。我们希望对幕后故事的一撇能让大家更加感觉到自己是节目的一份子。感谢大家的观看。你们一定会喜欢这些图片和小动物们的。
