福克斯新闻 被联合航空强行拖下飞机乘客或提起诉讼(在线收听

Doctor David Dow’s attorneys say he suffered a concussion Sunday, a broken nose and had two teeth knocked out when he was dragged off the flight to accommodate United Airlines employees:

David Dow医生的代理律师表示,周日,当他试图与联合航空公司的工作人员进行调解时被强行拉下飞机,他遭受了脑震荡,两颗牙齿脱落。

(Demetrio) “The fact of the matter is that for a long time,airlines, United in particular have bullied us.”


Attorney Tom Demetrio saying this client has become the face of corporate mistreatment that United and the city will be held accountable and that a lawsuit is likely to set for Monday, if a settlement doesn’t come first.

Tom Demetrio律师表示,这位客户已经成为公司虐待乘客的象征,美国和芝加哥市都必须为此负责。如果周一之前不能达成和解,他们可能会提起诉讼。

In Chicago, Jeff Monosso, FOX News.

Jeff Monosso在芝加哥为您报道福克斯新闻。
