福克斯新闻 共和党人对新的医改法案保持乐观(在线收听

Republican Whip Steve Scalise says progress is being made to secure the 216 GOP votes needed in the House to advance a Republican health care bill without any Democratic assistance:

共和党研究委员会主席的斯卡莱斯(Steve Scalise)表示,获得众议院216名大佬党投票,以保证共和党医改法案不需任何民主党人同意的努力取得了进展。

(Scalise) “We’re working through with each member that isn’t yet there that’s trying to get there to get to that magic number.”


One new idea is to add additional federal funds for high-risk pools to offset some insurance costs for people with pre-existing conditions.


But so far, no vote has been scheduled, even as President Trump’s budget director says a measure could hit the floor by the end of the week.


On Capitol Hill, Jared Halpern, FOX News.

Jared Halpern在国会山为您报道福克斯新闻。
