福克斯新闻 众议院通过废除奥巴马医改法案(在线收听

Now that the House has passed the ObamaCare repeal bill, the Senate set to take up the measure with some Republican Senators saying there is “zero chance” it will be passed as is.


White House Spokeswoman Sarah Huckabee Sanders confirms that the Trump legislative team will play a key role in writing the Senate bill:

白宫发言人桑德斯(Sarah Huckabee Sanders)证实,特朗普立法团队在书写参议院法案方面将发挥关键作用。

(Sanders) “I think we’ve made very clear we’re going to be hands-on in this process. It’s a priority to fix a very broken system. ObamaCare is a disaster. And this isn’t a President who does things hands off.”


The President and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell must now try to craft a bill that can win the votes of 50 of the 52 Senate Republicans.

总统和参议院多数派领袖麦康奈尔(Mitch McConnell)起草的法案必须赢得52名参议院共和党人中的50票。

At the White House, Jon Decker, FOX News.

Jon Decker在白宫为您报道福克斯新闻。
