英语听力:自然百科 金星和水星旅行指南(5)(在线收听

Many aspects, like its geological past, are a mystery. But some things we do know, this lonely planet has strange science of keeping time. Once you arrive, you have to reset your watch for a time zone like no other. It has such unusual orbit and rotation period. The days and nights are, are very strange. A mercurial year is just 88 earth days long, thanks to its quick sprint around the sun. But it rotates so slowly a single day takes much longer.


The day on mercury is more than half a year, eh, earth terms. Although known to us since ancient times for thousands of years, we had little idea what the planet really looked like. Then in 1974, NASA's Mariner 10 sent us back the first ever glimpses of its surface. Pictures can be transmit to tracking stations and onto Jeffery Portion Laboratory in California. Due to mercury's slower rotation and its ellipse orbit on the sun, when it flew by three times, it saw the same half of the planet. So we've really only seen something like 45% of the planet relatively low resolution.


Hidden in these fuzzy black and white postcards for over 30 years are clues that point to one of mercury's biggest puzzles. It's been shrinking. Mercury doesn't have plate tectonics like here does. So we know that mercury's crust is under a lot of compressure. Mere way can really do that is if the planet shrank. You can take as this incredible, shrinking planet. As Mariner 10 flies past, the mystery deepens. This spacecraft detects a vast iron core hidden inside.

