2020年经济学人 一周要闻 英国放松封锁限制 "跪杀"黑人4名警察被解雇 日本解除数县的封锁(在线收听

The world this week




The Japanese government lifted restrictions in the last remaining prefectures under lockdown. It also unveiled a second stimulus, worth $1trn.


Rodrigo Duterte, the president of the Philippines, said schools would not reopen until a vaccine for covid-19 is available. That could mean a year or more of subpar education.

菲律宾总统的罗德里戈·杜特尔特(Rodrigo Duterte)表示,在新冠肺炎疫苗到位之前,学校不会复课。此举可能意味着一年或更长时间的低水平教育。

Four policemen were sacked in Minneapolis after a black man died while being restrained during an arrest. Video showed one officer kneeling on George Floyd’s neck to keep him on the ground. Protesters later clashed with police.


The University of California, America’s foremost public-college system, said it would phase out the use of sat scores when deciding whom to admit. A faculty task-force had concluded that the tests were excellent predictors of academic success. But critics say they are unfair on those who cannot afford prepping courses.


Days after he began a new term in office Binyamin Netanyahu, the prime minister of Israel, stood trial on charges of bribery, fraud and breach of trust. He has denied wrongdoing and has called the justice system politically biased. Mr Netanyahu also told members of his Likud party that extending Israeli sovereignty over parts of the occupied West Bank was a priority for his new government.


America accused Russia of sending fighter jets to Libya to support Russian mercenaries fighting on behalf of Khalifa Haftar, a rebellious warlord. General Haftar launched an offensive on the capital, Tripoli, last year but has been pushed back by forces aligned with the internationally recognised Government of National Accord, which is supported by Turkey.

美国指责俄罗斯向利比亚派遣战斗机,以支持俄罗斯雇佣兵为反叛军阀哈利法·哈夫塔(Khalifa Haftar)作战。去年,哈夫塔将军对首都的黎波里发动了进攻,但被与民族团结政府(得到国际承认与土耳其支持)结盟的部队击退。

Authorities in Tanzania charged a comedian, Idris Sultan, after a video on social media showed him laughing at a photograph of the president, John Magufuli, in an oversize suit. Mr Sultan was initially charged with “bullying” the president. In court this was changed to using someone else’s mobile-phone SIM card.

社交媒体上的一段视频显示,喜剧演员伊德里斯·苏尔坦(Idris Sultan)冲着身穿大号西装的总统约翰·马古富里(John Magufuli)的PS照片大笑,随后坦桑尼亚当局对他进行了指控。苏尔坦先生最初被控“恐吓”总统。在法庭上,这一指控被改为使用他人的手机SIM卡。

Electoral officials in Burundi declared the ruling party’s candidate, Evariste Ndayishimiye, the winner in a presidential vote. Opposition parties say the election was rigged. Many dead people reportedly voted.

布隆迪选举官员宣布执政党候选人埃瓦里斯特·恩达伊施米耶(Evariste Ndayishimiye)赢得总统选举。反对党称选举被操纵。据报道,参与投票的人中有很多已经去世的人。

More lockdown restrictions were eased in England. From mid-June, all shops will be allowed to reopen; outdoor markets from June 1st. The government also announced a UK-wide quarantine on international arrivals from June 8th, including Britons returning from abroad. Ireland, which is in Britain’s common travel area, is exempt.

