福克斯新闻 黑客入侵希拉里核心集团邮箱(在线收听

Associated Press is saying hackers tried to compromise Hillary Clinton's inner circle as well as 130 Democratic party employees, supporters and contractors.


It started with a one phishing email and soon, cyberattackers were able to get around security measures and penetrate the personal Gmail account of campaign chair John Podesta. They also got to the email of campaign manager Robby Mook and many others.

最初是从一封钓鱼邮件开始的,很快,网络黑客得以绕开安全措施,渗入竞选主席约翰·波德斯塔(John Podesta)的Gmail帐号。他们还入侵了竞选经理罗比·穆克(Robby Mook)和许多其他人的邮件。

U.S. intelligence agencies have tied the cyberattacks to a group of hackers known as Fancy Bear, which is linked to the Kremlin.

美国情报机构认为这些网络袭击是与克里姆林宫有关的黑客组织Fancy Bear发动的。
