2020年经济学人 部落演员安东尼奥·萨尔瓦多(3)(在线收听

He did not, like Karamakate, crush yakruna leaves into powder to give people psychedelic dreams. But if he found himself sitting by some unfamiliar plant he would instinctively pluck a leaf and squeeze it, maybe bite into it, to test what it could do. And he too, like Karamakate, was almost the last of his tribe. He was ocaina; there were perhaps 60 left.


His blue eyes marked him out, but because his family had been displaced by rubber-seekers he had been brought up among the Huitoto people. His own language had become strange to him, though he knew Tikuna and cubeo as well as Huitoto, and acted as an Interpreter and script-translator on the film set. Well, people naturally dispersed and intermarried; some tribes were bound to disappear, just as the noise glitter of modern life meant that the young inevitably had no interest in hunting or weaving baskets, or piercing their cheeks with sticks.


They wanted to walk around looking good, in white people's fashions, with headphones on their ears and phones in theirpockets and fizzy drinks in their hands. Part of him accepted that most people hoped to progress and change. But a great truth was disappearing along with the old ways: that Nature was the interconnected life of all things, from soil to fish, from trees to humans, and that any harm done to the forest did violence to all beings.

